How To Save Your Shopify Store With Powerful SEO Tips?

Shopify Store

Creating a Shopify store is easy, but how do you know eCommerce SEO?

You may already have a revolving sign that reads “Open” on your digital store, but do you know how to attract customers? Or, how can you make your store more attractive than your competitors? Most importantly, will your visitors buy from you?

If you want potential customers to buy what you’re selling, you’ll need:

  • Bring them to your store (attract important traffic),
  • Leave them there (providing a good user experience), and
  • Get them to click the “Buy Now” button (to complete the transaction)

This is where eCommerce search engine optimization (SEO) comes in. and other popular stores use the method to achieve great results. 

This guide covers all the details you need to know to optimize your Shopify eCommerce store for better search results so you can convert potential customers into paying customers.

But first, let’s take a look at what eCommerce SEO is and why it’s so important for your store.

What Does eCommerce SEO Mean?

E-commerce SEO is the process of making an online store, such as Shopify or Etsy, visible in search results. By improving your website’s search engine ranking, you can increase sales and encourage visitors to browse your products.

For example, when you search for something on Google, you will be taken to a page called the “Search Engine Results Page” (or SERP).

If you are an eCommerce business owner, your goal should be to have your page appear when a user enters a term related to your product. Ideally, you want your product page to appear in the first results so that more people can see it.

Why Is E-commerce SEO Important For Your Business?

Search engines are the starting point for online shoppers. In fact, over 43% of all e-commerce traffic comes from Google alone.

However, most buyers will look at the first few results that catch their attention. More than two-thirds of clicks go to the first five results, and 75% of consumers do not convert to the first page of search results.

If your Shopify store appears in the top 10 results, it has a good chance of attracting potential customers.

By using eCommerce SEO techniques, you can increase traffic to your store, increase revenue, and hit sales KPIs.

Why Optimize Shopify For SEO For E-commerce Stores?

Shopify is a platform with almost 1.7 million businesses. That’s a lot of vendors competing for the same customer.

The SEO techniques we describe here are listed by Google as the top ones. This means that your Shopify store can be successful if you follow these strategies.

1. Create A Great User Experience

It can be tempting to focus on the look and feel of your Shopify store. However, it is also important to provide your customers with a great user experience.

2. Improve Site Structure

Many brick-and-mortar stores, especially larger ones, use signage to let shoppers know what to expect in each aisle or area of ​​their store. Products with similar properties are grouped together.

This makes the shopping experience easier. Now, imagine if a product is placed in a random order without any label. You will have a hard time finding them.

No one wants to go hunting. Similarly, in an eCommerce store, how you organize your content is very important. Your goal should be to make it easy and fast for users to find what they are looking for.

3. Review The Correct Keywords

All product searches start with keywords. Therefore, keyword research is one of the most important e-commerce SEO factors.

To understand how keywords work, think about the words that consumers type when searching for something on Google (or a similar search engine).

If someone is looking for red Nike shoes, they can type words like “Nike,” “sneakers,” and “red” into a search engine.

So, if you use the right keywords when describing the products in your E-commerce store, you will drive more traffic to your website.

4. Use Content Marketing As A Tool

The content on your Shopify website attracts potential customers and is the main pillar of eCommerce SEO. Content includes images, blogs, infographics, videos, and any other form.

Your content allows customers to learn about your brand and learn about your products.

5. Use Shopify’s SEO Tools And Plugins

One of the best things about Shopify is its compatibility with many other apps and applications.

This includes various tools and interventions to help with eCommerce SEO. There are a variety of free and paid options, depending on the features you want.