What Is SEO Marketing? Types And Tactics

SEO marketing

In today’s modern era, search engines have become the must-go-to source of information for many folks and the most common example is Google. Search engines guide us effortlessly to hidden gems like unveiling the new wonders of technology or the amazing local eateries. By just pressing a key you can open up the doors of information right at your fingertips. 

As a result, businesses recognized the secret to success and the importance of highlighting at the top of search engine results. SEO marketing has now become the driving force that propels businesses toward unparalleled heights of prosperity and victory.

To rank high in the search engine results, your website content must align with the desires of visitors.  Understand how a search engine works and the intricate patterns of online search behavior, in this way you can optimize your site for SEO.

What is SEO Marketing?

SEO marketing is so powerful strategy that helps to improve website ranking and visibility in search engine results. It is the most crucial component of the digital marketing world. It involves optimizing the structure, content, and technical aspects of a website in order to align with the search engine algorithms. Doing so increases brand visibility, and organic traffic, and increases conversions through content creation, keyword research, link building, and optimization.

Types of SEO Marketing:

Seo activities fall into these general categories:

  • On page SEO
  • Off-page SEO
  • Technical SEO

1. On-page SEO:

On-page SEO involves optimizing your website’s content, including text, images, and videos so that visitors and search engines understand what it’s about.

You have to deliver high-quality content targeting the right keywords. Search engines have an eye on certain on-page SEO factors to determine the quality of your content and then rank your site in SERPs.

Examples of on-page factors are keywords, meta information, images, website slug URL, and keyword relevancy and topic.

2. Off-page SEO:

If you’re thinking that SEO marketing is just about optimizing the content on your site then you’re wrong, it is more than that. Off-page SEO also plays a crucial role to boost your ranking on SERPs.

Off-page SEO involves building backlinks. The backlinks are the links from other websites that point to your website. Obtain relevant and high-quality backlinks as a result you’ll increase your domain authority (DA). The more backlinks you get from a reputable site, the more reputable and trustworthy your site will be shown to the search engines.

3. Technical SEO:

Technical SEO means making changes to your website’s back end in order to boost search performance. Technical SEO helps to boost the site’s speed, optimized for search engine crawlers, and also optimizes webpages for mobile users. In a nutshell, it helps your site index better.

SEO Marketing Tactics:

Do you want to climb high in the search results? Then it is the right time to 

explore some core tactics.

  1. Competitive analysis
  2. Keyword research
  3. Image optimization
  4. Active link building

1. Competitive Analysis:

Understanding your competitor’s SEO strategy can help you a lot to rank high in the search engines. Deep dive into the realm of competitive analysis to know about their strengths and weaknesses. Formulate these winning tactics to climb high in the search engines and overtake them. It will make the path to success more clear and no one can stop you to get the victory.

Now you must be thinking about how to start, so a good starting point is to find your competitor’s best-performing pages and put an eagle eye on the sources of their organic traffic. 

For instance: If your competitor is driving traffic from an informative blog post or through Facebook then you must focus on these ideas to build up your strong online presence. With these insights, you can craft more effective SEO approaches and your website will stand out in the search engine algorithms.

2. Keyword Research:

In the breathtaking seo marketing world, keyword research serves as a captivating compass, that guides you to move with finesse and precision. You have to find and target the keywords that are used by your targeted audience.

If you’re a seller, your products may be revolutionary, but if you’re targeting the wrong search keywords then you will lose customers. The right search keywords will help customers to come across them online.

Jump into the spotlight of SEO mastery and let the keywords be your guiding starts to reach new heights of success.

For keyword research, you can use tools like Ahref, Moz, Google keyword planner, or keywords everywhere. These tools are used to generate keyword ideas that will definitely work for your site. If you want to drive significant traffic, select keywords that have enough volume, but not so much competition that you’re locked in a battle with Amazon. By using the tools above, you can narrow down your list of “winnable” and relevant keywords.

3) Image Optimization:

Besides crawling and analyzing your website’s written content, Google and other search engines also analyze your images. 

You can improve your on-page SEO by optimizing the images on your website while providing an added (accessibility) benefit to visitors. Use the target keyword in your file names and also the alt attributes of the image files. In this way, search engines will get to know whether your content is valuable or relevant or not. 

Always use the optimum size and file format. Large images can badly affect the visitor experience because large images take too much time to load. Use a plug-in or app that automatically compresses images on your website to ensure it loads quickly for users and search engines.

4) Link Building:

Link building is a time-consuming method, but more authoritative websites can do the work for you, helping you to rank higher in search engine results. 

To start executing this strategy establish a presence on social media platforms and local business directories. You can boost your search engine rankings by generating foundational links from these influential sites.

Once you’re done with the strong foundation then start reaching out to the relevant websites or news outlets that are frequently used by your audience.

If you also have subject matter expertise then you can pitch a blog post in which a link back to your website is included. If all else fails then there is also another option which is launching a PR campaign.

You should experiment with different link-building tactics and try to focus on tactics that will give you the greatest lift in search engine rankings.


What is the role of SEO in Digital marketing?

SEO plays a major role in digital marketing. It makes your website more visible and helps to rank high in the search engine result. It also increases your reach to potential customers.

How do I start SEO in simple words?

  1. Identify the keywords with good search volume.
  2. Unravel the search intent for your keyword.
  3. Write the content according to your keyword research data.
  4. Optimize the meta description and title of your page.
  5. Publish content on a webpage or a blog post
  6. Build links to your post, page, or website.