How To Create SEO-Friendly Website In 2023?

SEO-Friendly Website

SEO implementation starts during the design of your web page. Every seasoned SEO expert recommends SEO-friendly website design for better SEO performance.

Here’s everything you need to know about SEO-friendly website design:

Tips For Creating An SEO-Friendly Website

1. Tips For Mobile-First Design

So, you’ve probably heard about the importance of responsive web design. But what if I told you that you need to change your approach to phone-first design?

In April 2021, mobile devices (excluding tablets) accounted for 56.16% of web traffic.

That said, mobile devices can drive over 50% of your website traffic, as one can notice on the international B2B marketplace. Therefore, search engines consider mobile-friendliness as a key SEO parameter.

Google has taken a mobile-first approach to index. But, unless you’re looking for effective organic rankings, you must adopt a mobile-friendly strategy.

The best way to meet mobile-friendly standards is to design mobile-first. Then you can work on the desktop layout. SEO-Friendly Website can easily rank on SERP.

2. Analyze And Target The Right Keywords

When you continue to create content for your website like the Chinese B2B platform, you need to define the right keywords. These keywords reflect the search terms your audience uses to search for products similar to your business or product.

The first step is to define your target audience for your business and its interests.

3. Master The Correct URL Configuration

Have you discovered the URLs that dominate your search engine rankings?

Anyone who has thought about this knows that Google loves well-structured URLs.

You probably won’t see a bad URL ranking on SERPs like the one below.

A well-structured URL also conveys credibility. Users tend to click on such a URL because it shows where it is going.

Google Search Bar also offers a useful feature to check your URL’s naturalness.

If your URL is incorrect, it will be difficult for Google’s crawlers to find and index your page.

Just enter your page URL and the app will display a green check mark if your URL matches.

4. Weave The Right User Experience With The Heading Tags And        Food Content Structure

Google is steadfast in its goal of providing the best answers to user queries. As such, it results in sites that provide a great job experience for good job seekers.

At the same time, branding is critical to creating the right user experience. You must specify the appropriate keyword tags to create a structured content structure.

Users find it convenient to browse content using a customized layout. In addition, this also helps search engines understand the content structure of the page.

The H1 tag represents the page title. It must include the focus topic of your page as well as the page topic. Therefore, users (and Google) will understand the position of your page through H1 or your title.

Other tags (H2, H3, H4…) must contain the long tail keywords of the page. This practice will help your page perform better in the SERPs for these keywords.

Also, you should use small keyword tags properly to make your content more intelligent.

Especially when mobile users like to browse your content, you can’t keep it in long paragraphs.

Therefore, you must use the news and relevant information to improve their experience. It quickly solves user queries and makes them aware of your content.

You can also expect better user metrics, improving your SEO performance.

5. Create Persuasive Meta Tags For High CTR

Your meta tags include your page’s meta title and meta description. These tags are found in preview snippets or page listings in SERPs.

These are the first things users see when they see your listing in the SERPs. Having said that, these tags must be informative enough to provide a high number of clicks.

Your meta title and meta description must contain the focus keywords of the page. And they must allow the search crawlers and users to understand the position of the page.

6. Define Simple Site Structure And Proper Internal Linking

The simpler your site’s layout, the more difficult your site will be to crawl. It affects your website optimization.

Also, no bots or users like to navigate complex site architecture.

Unstructured website design has problems like this:

  • Asynchronous crawling and indexing of your web pages and new content pages
  • Pages that are low on the site are usually not listed
  • Users find it difficult to navigate your site
  • Improve your website’s bounce and exit rates
  • Poor ranking in SERPs

So, how do you define proper site design?

Site ranking has to do with the leaders you follow across your site and internal links. Both of these features benefit SEO and the user experience of your website.