Improve Email Delivery With Inbox

Email Delivery

Not all mailbox providers are created equal when it comes to handling incoming emails. They may differ in internal architecture, filtering methods, third-party blocking implementations, volume limits, and policies. With all these factors in mind, to really understand how to monitor or improve the health of your email program, you need insight into the sending statistics of each email delivery provider you send to.

Mailbox Provider Inbox Location

Each mailbox provider, from Gmail to Outlook to iCloud, treats their recipients’ inbox locations differently and doesn’t reveal exactly how they filter. Therefore, email provider data tracking is a very effective way to track your deliverability. Whether you view it in the Twilio SendGrid dashboard from the Mailbox Provider Statistics tab, Mailbox Provider Comparison, or Deliverability Information, or if you retrieve the data through our statistics API, Regularly reviewing your email performance on each mailbox provider is an important part of maintaining strong email performance. delivery capability.

Improved Mailbox Provider Group

Twilio SendGrid always groups your email deliverability statistics by the email delivery service provider in its dashboard. This allows you to easily see how your email deliverability performance is measured at Yahoo compared to Microsoft, for example. A good example is Microsoft’s free domain name.,,, and are separate domains but they are really the same email service provider and use identical filtering logic. Grouping these domains allows you to analyze your email deliverability statistics for all Microsoft domains in one place instead of keeping them separate.

Today, we’ve released an update to existing groups of mailbox providers, making Twilio SendGrid even more powerful. Specifically, we’ve added more independent mailbox providers to our list, growing from 50 to almost 250. With this update, fewer data will be lumped in the “Other” group when viewing your email service provider’s stats. The new list of mailbox providers includes a much larger group of global mailbox providers, which is particularly beneficial for customers sending mail to regions outside of North America.

We now distinguish Microsoft consumer domains, such as or, from Microsoft business domains hosted by Office365. Distinguishing between B2B and B2C mailboxes at Google and Microsoft gives you a more accurate view of your email program’s performance, allowing you to compare two different audiences.

We have also removed or consolidated some legacy mailbox providers from the list that no longer exist or have been acquired by other vendors.

Before vs After-Mailbox Provider Statistics

This update is a positive change for users as it provides more detailed and accurate information about mailbox-specific statistics. You may have noticed that your view of mailbox provider statistics has changed as we add additional mailbox providers and updated reporting guidelines. For example, you may see less traffic aggregated under “More” because we added additional mailbox providers. Or, your Gmail stats dropped after being split into and G Suite/Google Workspace. This doesn’t mean your email deliverability has decreased – we’re currently showing your email delivery performance to B2C recipients ( versus B2B recipients (G Suite).

We’ve also updated our naming conventions to better align with mailbox provider naming conventions. Previously, Microsoft statistics were under the “Microsoft Outlook Live” label but now appear under the more detailed “Microsoft Outlook” label.

We understand that increasing granularity and rearranging email provider statistics can cause some initial confusion, but the goal of this change is to help you track email deliverability and the sender’s email performance more efficiently and accurately. Explore your email provider groups today in the compare your email providers tab in Deliverability Insights.