The average sending frequency in this region is 2.5 marketing emails per week, or about half of the 5 email market per week, which is more common in North America. Senders in Scandinavia respect their relationship with customers and don’t want to overload their contacts with unwanted messages.
Thursdays and Sundays are the most popular shipping days. We often find that Sunday is the quietest day of the week for email, but Scandinavian marketers understand the benefits of texting when people have more time to interact with them.
“Tilbud” (Offer), “Rabatt” (Discount), “Ekstra” (Extra), “Lucka” (Opportunity), and “Du” (You) are common subject line keywords. The last one is very interesting: Senders in Scandinavia clearly put their customers at the center of their message.
Just over 30% of marketing emails have discounts. Although this number is relatively small, the use of deep discounts of 70-80% has increased dramatically year over year, increasing from 25-45% of all discount offers. This reflects the difficult economic environment we currently find ourselves in.
47% of all Scandinavian marketing emails use emojis in their subject line, while 31% use animated GIFs. The images are globally recognized and their use is particularly effective in areas where several languages are spoken.
We encourage the audience to start optimizing their email by thinking like mailbox providers (MBPs). All the big names in the MBP like Microsoft, Yahoo, and Gmail give great advice on deliverability. And, many of the most important recommendations are common to all. Here are some Scandi-specific illustrations that bring these best practices to life.
Don’t Look Like A Spammer
All of MBP’s advice boils down to one simple concept: don’t look like a spammer! Postmasters have no problem with legitimate email markets. Their main goal is to protect customers from malicious messages. So when your email looks suspicious, you get filtered out of spam.
You’ll never get a second chance to make a good first impression. We’ve done previous research showing that when the first message didn’t drive an interaction, there was a 50% chance that the sender would never see a future interaction from the subscriber. The cost of acquiring this new subscriber was wasted, as were all future revenue opportunities.
Reputation Is Important No Matter Where You Are
Having a good sender reputation is very important. It’s like a credit score for email market programs, and it greatly affects how the MBP views email senders and whether or not they accept their emails. While speaking with the team at high fashion retailer By Malene Birger, I looked at their scores on A best-practice email program should score above 90, so they worry when they learn that their score is only 80.
They also send from shared IP addresses. While this is not a bad practice in itself, it does mean that their reputation depends on other senders, whose commitment to best practices may be weaker. Authentication and Authorization
MBP expects email senders to be responsible for finding valid email addresses from new signups. They also recommend a robust authorization model, requiring active acceptance and a confirmation email to activate the subscription.
Consumer electronics retailer Elkjøp applies both principles. However, when examining the address structure, I noticed that their address validation accepts invalid domains, which creates the risk of a high bounce rate. A real-time authentication solution like BriteVerify will help with this. However, Elkjøp’s confirmed acceptance process is impressive, making effective use of a form of two-factor authentication that requires new registrants to enter a six-digit code to activate their new account.
Make Departures Easier
All MBPs advise making it as easy as possible to unsubscribe from subscribers, ideally with a single click. Yahoo Mail just introduced a one-click unsubscribe to its mobile customers and explains why:
For many users, the “Mark as Spam” button is not far away. So it makes more sense to allow users to securely unsubscribe from unwanted emails with a single click. No more rounds or clicks. And does not affect the reputation of the sender.
In addition to being easy to use, unsubscribe links should be easily visible. Instead of being buried in an email’s footer link. Zalando Lounge puts them first – the best approach. While making the link more visible can increase unsubscribe rates, it reduces spam complaint rates with very positive implications for deliverability and customer appreciation. increasing transparency.
Working With Effect
We have many clients in Scandinavia, including major brands such as Cocopanda, Zizzi, Sephora, and Gant. Check out their reputation score with Sender Score and you’ll see that they’re always in the 90s, which signifies world-class shipping. You may also notice the following:
These programs are members of the Certified Sender Program, which offers exclusive sensibility benefits from the world’s top MBPs to approved senders. Big brands like Dustin and Boozt enjoy a literal 100% inbox placement rate, maximizing their customer market share and generating more sales revenue. We learned a lot about the Scandinavian email market during our time in Copenhagen and our audience learned a lot from our keynote.