23 Efficient Ways of Mobile App Marketing & Social Media Track

social media track

Hold A Contest

Ask your audience to complete a certain task and tag themselves with contest-specific hashtags on mobile app marketing & social media track growth. Publicly award winners.

Disconnect And Try Guerrilla Marketing

Remember that these campaigns are most effective in areas where your target customers are concentrated. The foundation of a guerrilla mobile app marketing social media track campaign is:

1. appearance – 2. confusion – 3. clarify – 4. disappear. Clarification should be a great part of your campaign!

Also, Try AdWords

But only do this if you know your keywords well and have time daily to tailor campaigns (yes, some campaigns) to your needs. 30. Communicate with the people around you. Let your friends, family, colleagues, and classmates know what you are up to. Infrequent updates are enough, as your friends and family are much less involved in your activities than you think.

Offer Discounts

If you work with in-app purchases, make them cheaper on certain days and let your users know through push notifications or your email newsletter.

Grow Your Subscriber List

Speaking of this newsletter, continue to collect email addresses and grow your list. You’ll be happy to see the numbers grow and send your updates to the thousands instead of the tens!

Love Those Who Hate You

Retaining customers is 80% cheaper than attracting new customers. Focus on those negative reviews, reach your users, and help them solve problems with your app. 

Giving Wealth

Think creatively and offer something relevant to your target audience. At Mevvy, we created screen cleaners and played on the global “stuff”, because Mevvy was intended to be a platform for discovering apps and tools for business and life. . We distributed them in workspaces around Miami.

Encourage Customer Reviews

Ask your satisfied users to leave an App Store rating, but be realistic! Today, customers can smell fake reviews from miles away.

Track Your Performance

Continue to check your analytics through AppAnnie or Flurry to understand how users are interacting with your app & social media track.

Review Coupons

Find a coupon service that fits your market and launch a campaign. The best part is that you can track the results very easily through the discount codes.

Launch An Ad Campaign On Facebook

Get installs from everyone’s news feed.

Create A SlideShare Presentation

Maybe your presentation can help someone else develop a project and help you download some along the way.

Help Users Promote Your App

Add a “tell friends” feature in the app so your existing users can share the app with their friends, family, co-workers, and colleagues. Encourage this sharing feature by offering credit or discounts for every new subscriber someone brings.

Exchange Ad Space With Other Mobile Apps

Appsfire and AdMob are best known for this type of service.

Join LinkedIn Groups

Join the discussion and comment on interesting content. Share yours as relevant. 54. Host an app launch party. 

Broadcast Your Event

Expand your launch party on the internet and post a live stream about it (if your app is going international soon). Let people around the world testify and join the fun!

Create Wallpapers And Posters That Your Users Will Love

Distribute them to people who really want to publish them and promote your app to you!

Offers A Free Trial

If your app is paid, offer a free trial to gather information about potential users. Then, contact them and ask if they subscribe to a paid plan. To build a relationship. Bring them in. 60. Try retargeting ads with AdRoll. Sometimes people have to look twice. AdRoll helps you weed out old website visitors and bring them back to your app website.

Create A Minimap Of The Application

Like Starbuck’s “song of the week” cards, you can create your own cards with Moo.com and distribute them at coffee shops and other local businesses.

Install Heatmaps On Your Mobile App

Analyze what content people are interested in and not interested in. 63. Contact your local community. If your application is geared towards the local community, consider local mailing. Welcome cards or letters are a great way to attract new users.

Share Interesting Content On Pinterest

Just make sure to mark the watermark with your app logo. Better yet, share this on your blog first and then download these images from there. Genuinely interested users will go straight from Pinterest to your site.

Give Away Promo Code

Users are more likely to participate if they can save money.

Above All, Always Listen To Your Existing Users.

They can provide deep insights not only about their user experience but also about their referral journey. Several may share a similar story, and you may find the most lucrative mobile app marketing channel within your existing user base.