5 Must-Have Marketplace Strategies For Successful Mobile App

Mobile App

The majority of mobile applications fail. They languish there in app stores and on the global web – unheard, unused, and unloved. Even when a mobile app is discovered and downloaded, 77% of users never use it again within 72 hours of installation. Time spent in the app was also low, with 34.1% of mobile app interactions lasting less than a minute. However, mobile app industry figures show a 69% increase in time spent on apps year over year. 

Overall app usage grew at a modest 11% and was largely driven by social media apps (dominated by big, big-money brands). Big brands also dominate the 2016 best apps list.

So does that mean app owners, especially with modest ad budgets, can’t win at all? While there is no guarantee of success in the mobile app business, your chances of success can be increased by optimizing your go-to-market strategy.

Let’s Look at Some of the Factors that Influence the Success of a Mobile App:

1. Application Product Strategy

As such, the foundation of an application is the right product strategy, rooted in market research and a thorough understanding of consumer insights. If the point of difference is only integrated into the function and appearance of the product, then it has a better chance of success.

2. Explore The App

With millions of apps vying for attention, it’s natural for consumers to tire of apps, and most apps sink without a trace. As a product owner, it is natural to consider all efforts wasted if the application is not presented to potential consumers. The App Store and Play Store are working on discovery issues in their own right in an effort to help app publishers. 

Additionally, App Store optimization aims to make it easier for users to find your app primarily through search. This can improve your App Store ranking for search terms that are important to you and your app. Presenting an app is not enough, app downloads are also important. App install campaigns through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are popular strategies for driving installs. Targeting the right audience, contextual digital relevance, and creative quality play an important role in driving app installs.

3. Application User Experience

The focus is on how things work rather than how they look. User experience encompasses all aspects of end-user interactions with a company, its services, and its products, as defined by the Nielsen Norman Group.

Peter Morville of Semantic Studios developed the user experience honeycomb in 2004 (at a time when mobile was not yet ubiquitous) but is still relevant today. User Experience Design Essentially, an app helps users do everything they do, faster and better through engaging interactions. At the heart of it, all is human emotion. At Robosoft, we believe that mobile solutions will build rapport among users and engage them emotionally.

4. Interaction With Application Users

A mobile app’s chances of success will only increase if its engagement increases. Users must have enough reasons to keep using the app over and over again – making every user interaction memorable and enjoyable. It’s important to use data intelligence to attract, retain, and grow users using a combination of analytics and automation tools.

5. App Monetization

Not all apps are meant to make money (for example, an internal app for a sales team at a large company), but many, especially games, do. In-app purchases, advertising, and gamification – using game mechanics and experience design to digitally interact and drive people to achieve their goals, are some of the methods owners and Product owners can implement to improve monetization.

Navigating the world of mobile apps today is very hectic. Product owners need experienced partners who can provide end-to-end mobile application solutions – strategy, design, and engineering, to create pleasing digital products.