Block list You Can’t Ignore During Spikes

Spamhaus Block List

Seeing your IP address or domain name on the Spamhaus block list during peak sending season can be confusing. Indeed, getting listed often means mailability issues such as placing spam folders (a nightmare for email marketers!). Scrambling to get off the blacklist during the holidays is stressful and can easily send you down the pit. Before you go crazy with a list, dispel some common misconceptions about block lists and focus on the ones that matter most to your email program. What block lists should you watch out for?

The ‘Haus’ aka Spamhaus Block List

You definitely want to avoid being put on the Spamhaus block list. Spamhaus listings can cause significant damage and for some people up to 70% of your listings. In most cases, if you’re registered with Spamhaus, you probably won’t send a wanted letter. So improving best practices is your first step. Then focus on fixing your ads from Spamhaus. Depending on the issue and what is requested to be removed from the list, this process may take some time. In some cases, you may need to start a re-licensing campaign, or you may need to review your sites and make sure your forms are protected. And if you’re sending out unsolicited emails but can escape the Spamhaus news craze, it won’t last long. They are constantly working to update their network and filters. At some point, “cathaus” will catch “spam mouse”.

What About Other Block Lists?

In most cases, unless you’re in a specific region, B2B, or deal with a specific hosted domain, other block lists will have little or no effect on your program. Especially when considering that most lists, especially in the B2C arena, contain at least 40% of Gmail addresses. Unlike Spamhaus SEO, Gmail’s decision on what to do with email is completely independent and unrelated to existing block lists. So can I bypass other blocklists and give up tracking?

No, I said! Monitor block lists. Just be aware of the information and the lessons you learn from it. Block lists, such as SORBS, Spamcop, and Abusix, indicate a trap problem, even if it doesn’t affect your performance. And if you have traps that one blocklist sees, you’re bound to have traps on another blocklist.

Some blocklists are more important to B2B than B2C, like Barracuda. Some blocklists focus on “content”, which may be subject to spam filters or other block lists. And these may affect the ability to deliver without any “public notice”.

And Watch Everything

If you earn 30% or even 50% of your earnings during this peak deposit season, then you always earn the remaining 50% throughout the year which means this is never a good time. to be listed. Some blocklists are simply more important, and others may be better suited to your particular target group. Whatever your point of view, one thing’s for sure, congestion is a signal of something important, whatever the impact. Chances are you’re using a service to monitor these blacklists (which is definitely not good for your sanity), but what if I told you you’re missing out on a lot of ads?

Back to the main point: it’s not your IP address that will cause you problems, it’s the IP address that you don’t control and never consider monitoring. We are often so focused on our IP address, domain name, and reputation… that sounds a bit self-centered, doesn’t it? Your email is a huge collection of reputations; you shouldn’t forget that.

Some of these block lists will cause messages to bounce, which is the best possible outcome because that’s a signal you can respond to. In many cases, messages were not returned. They are in the spam folder or have just disappeared.

Spamhaus Problem, Others Are Not So Clear

The Spamhaus Block List (SBL) is one of the oldest, founded in the late 1990s. Since then, many other block lists have appeared and many have disappeared, but Spamhaus has the privilege to be well-registered, respected, and widely used. If your IP address or domain name is on Spamhaus’s block list, you will have deliverability issues. You will see a significant increase in the number of exits. For other blocklists, it’s not always so obvious. It’s not that other block lists are unreliable – it’s that their impact on your deliverability correlates very directly with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and Mailbox Provider (MBP). subscribe to that block list.

If no one uses the X blocklist, then if your IP address is listed on the X blocklist, you won’t see any impact. Look at it this way. If you’re a B2C/DTC (business-to-consumer/direct-to-consumer) email marketer in the US, more than 60% of your list is made up of Gmail addresses. Gmail does not use the X block list, so a list on the X block list will not cause your messages to be blocked by Gmail.

In short, a lot of people have opinions about which blocklists matter. Opinions can be helpful, but data is even more helpful. And when it comes to blacklisting, bounce data is key. 

You Cannot Negotiate to get Off the Block List

Spamhaus is a block list you can’t ignore because Spamhaus won’t let you skip a list. Up to 80% of client emails get blocked because they’re in the SBL (Spamhaus IP-based block list). Being listed on Spamhaus is not a pleasant experience for participants.

Spamhaus cares about spam prevention and internet security, and there’s something in the data they see that tells them your email delivery doesn’t support that mission. The fastest solution is to draft 1 above and delete it.