15 Crucial Steps To Increase Website Traffic

Increase website traffic

In this article, we will share some important ways to increase website traffic. Let’s look at it.

  • Focus On Long Tail Keywords

Focusing on a single keyword is outdated. Especially if you are a new website, you will have a hard time finding the most popular keywords. Write as many articles as you want and all with quality content including long tail keywords. The main benefit of long-tail keywords is that they contribute to better conversions. 

  • Advertise Your Website

This is one of the most important factors. There are several ways to advertise your website, such as paid search, social media advertising, and display advertising like search engine marketing . These ads will help attract more visitors and create brand awareness among people. 

  • Create A Forum On Your Website

The more quality the content you produce online, the more visible you will be in search engine results. An active forum or blog with lots of posts would be great for you. They will help reduce your bounce rate, increase time spent on site, and build community. 

  • Sociable

It is not enough for you to produce quality content on your website. You have to make it visible and you have to be proactive. There are many famous social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and others. There are also social image-sharing sites like Pinterest.

  • Optimize Your Posts

A detailed article will help your pages show up on the search results page. There are three key elements in an article for success: meta title, description, and keywords. Articles must contain quality words. Keyword stuffing should be avoided. If you do this correctly in every article you write, you will start to rank for your keywords much faster and better.

  • Facebook Marketing

Facebook has become a great advertising tool. You can install a Facebook tracking pixel on your website to market your website to customers who have visited your website. You can also remarket your website to the public.

  • On-Page SEO

SEO is still the biggest factor affecting page rankings. Optimizing content for search engines has always been one of the most exciting things to do for your website. Take care of issues like keyword research, indexing, crawling, duplicate content, site structure, image optimization, internal linking, meta description, and other SEO factors on-page. All of these factors will help drive organic traffic to your website. 

  • Blog, Blog, Blog

Blogs work really well to drive traffic to your website. Blogging will often increase your website traffic twice as much as before. There is very little to do in blogging

  • Work On Your Headlines

80% of people will read your headline first then your ad copy. So spend more time writing a perfect headline. If you don’t have a compelling headline, the most interesting blog post may not be read by users. 

  • Link Building

The right link building is also one of the biggest benefits that help the website get more traffic. Links that include keywords are the backbone of off-page search engine optimization. Links can also be obtained for free. Check with your suppliers, partners, customers, and other sources to see if they can incorporate your keywords into their website so people click the link and come to your site. 

  • Make Your Website Responsive And Faster

Once the Internet browser took effect, the era of the desktop was over. Nowadays, people use mobile phones to use the Internet. Make your website mobile-friendly. If you make it difficult for mobile customers to navigate, they will obviously switch to other websites. Make sure that your website offers good and easy navigation on all types of devices, whether it is a PC or a smartphone.

  • Find Partners In Your Field

    Find people who run a business in the same field and have a working relationship with them. You may have the opportunity to partner with them and include your website details on their website. This will provide lots of organic inbound links and also help get referral site traffic. 

  • Host A Webinar

Webinars are a great way to present what you know to people who want to learn and gain knowledge. It’s really simple, just find a topic on which you are an expert, then create an interesting and engaging presentation for your audience. Combining a webinar with a social promotion campaign will definitely increase traffic to your website

  • Become A Contributor And Commentator

You may come across a large number of websites related to your business and can have conversations about a topic. Why not join the conversation? Providing an informed and thought-provoking comment on your industry blog or any website related to your business can help you get identified by many in that industry. This will in turn lead to an increase in website traffic. But one thing you need to remember here is to post quality comments and relevant links.

There are also many other techniques to get website traffic. These techniques are briefly mentioned below:

  • Submit all your pages to Google Index
  • Automate your email
  • Deploying schema microdata
  • Advertising via email
  • Review your analytics data
  • make video
  • Research the competition
  • Create a podcast
  • optimized extraction
  • Grow your international audience


You don’t have to be a marketing expert to drive traffic to your website. Simple things like adjusting keywords or changing titles can also increase traffic. So you just need to know the tactic and follow it continuously. I hope this article has helped you somewhat in knowing how to drive website traffic.