Ways Facebook’s New Updates Impact Your Small Business

small business

Due to the new coronavirus, global e-commerce sales in 2020 will reach US$ 26.7 billion. It’s not just e-commerce, according to Facebook’s State of Small Business report, 55% of small businesses have started using digital tools to increase sales and communicate with customers.

Facebook has realized that the use of digital tools can help businesses connect with online customers more easily and increase their digital marketing, such as digital tools designed to give more users insight and purpose when working in the countryside. As a result, Facebook has introduced various tools and new features to help small businesses grow more effectively.

Update #1. An Easy Way To Analyze Important Business Content

People discover new businesses through news feeds. As a result, Facebook now offers companies a new way to identify topics that people can play with and analyze content from similar businesses.

How does a similar business analysis affect the business?

Content from related businesses is a great way to increase your business visibility. Small businesses can reach and connect with people browsing in their area.

How does visiting similar companies affect sales?

As a business, you should start using this new opportunity to get your business noticed when people are searching for other similar businesses in your area.

Facebook will track user behavior, such as which content gets the most clicks and which businesses people like to engage with. In the future, Facebook may start showing recommended lists under related business areas.

Update #2. Tools to Manage Facebook Pages Without Leaving The Facebook Application

As part of the updates to the Facebook Page experience released in January, new tools and features are being introduced to enable businesses to interact with customers like a business.

With easy navigation between profile and business pages, page owners can easily navigate to their business profile pages. They can discover or participate in conversations, follow trends, chat with customers, and do business with followers.

How does peer experience affect business?

Business people now have the option to manage their account activity effectively and use their business account to attract customers or followers. In addition, intelligent account access restrictions will simplify account management between different user groups.

Update #3. Central Management of Facebook and Instagram Business Accounts

Facebook Business Suite will help businesses save time and money by managing business accounts on Facebook and Instagram.

“We first built the Facebook Business Suite for small businesses, but it’s a long-term investment to make it the primary interface for businesses of all sizes using Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp,” Facebook said.

How Does Facebook Business Suite Affect Business?

63% of users have said Facebook Business Suite has helped them increase sales. For example, a business like Stars N Sykes Travel can save up to 10 hours per week by switching to Facebook Business Suite.

Stars AND Skies Travel’s Nita Cooper said: “The time saved by publishing content allows me to spend more time focusing on other tasks. I estimate that I save about 10 hours per week by “switching to Facebook Business Suite.”

Update #4. New Media Promotion Goals

Facebook has introduced two new ad optimization goals, the conversion goal for lead ads and the call ad optimization goal for call ads.

How do these advertising promotion goals work?

A new conversion strategy for lead advertising allows advertisers to generate leads faster. Additionally, businesses have the option to connect their CRM data to Facebook.

Additionally, call optimization goals to help businesses connect with potential customers. It helps to reduce the cost of each call and improve the efficiency of the call distribution.

Update #5. Convert A Lead Ads Form To a Messenger Template

In order to allow companies to encourage customer communication, advertisers can convert lead ads into message templates to start sending messages to potential customers.

How do Messenger ads work?

Businesses can run click-to-market campaigns now. By doing this, you can start a conversation with a potential customer. When the user clicks on the “Send message” option, the ad will open on Messenger, Instagram or WhatsApp.

Final Thoughts

The demand for digital communication is increasing, and Facebook is doing its best to provide businesses with modern communication and advertising tools to attract potential customers.

Over the next few months, Facebook will continue to roll out new updates to its Page Experience module and add new features to its Facebook Business Suite to help customers make more of Facebook as an audience building. listening, media, and collaboration platform.