Targeted Email Marketing: Using Consumer Behavior Information

targeted email marketing

The correct customers can be contacted at the right moment with the help of targeted email marketing, but it isn’t always easy to execute.

We’ll go over methods, tools, and suggestions in this manual to assist you to send an email that is both timely and relevant without worrying about the technical details.

If you’re new to email automation, you might want to start by reading our beginner’s guide. After having a glance, come back straight away!

Consumers claim that 78% unsubscribe from brands when they send “too many emails.” You can communicate with the relevant people via targeted emails rather than broadcasting to everyone.

How Is Targeted Email Marketing Defined?

To be clear, we’re not talking about cold email outreach; rather, we’re talking about warm emails that are sent to website visitors, leads, and clients who have signed in to receive emails from you in some way.

They may have previously downloaded an item, signed up for a free trial, or made a purchase from you. You now have their email address and want to strengthen your connection. But how exactly do you do that?

Let’s begin by defining what targeted email is not: sending out a mass email or newsletter to your whole database. Utilizing targeted email allows you to: 

  • Contact clients who could leave;
  • Boost the possibility of repeat purchases
  • Engage with potential customers when your buying cycle is almost over.

The following are the email characteristics:


Timeliness is one feature that sets focused email marketing apart. A consumer who purchased a product with a 30-day use period will get an email 21 days later reminding them to place another order. They get a 10% off coupon (only if they didn’t reorder) after a few more weeks.


All targeted emails are pertinent. They are based on a characteristic of the customer, a recent action the client did, a computation of their general behavior, or a review of past purchases. Instead of questioning why they sent it, the client receives the email and feels like it applies to them.


75% of email revenue is generated by personalized email marketing. Is that a result of more prevalent or successful personalized campaigns? Both. Rudimentary personalization only uses the user’s first name; however, effectively targeted email uses more information. It may consist of:

  • Name
  • Recent actions or behaviors
  • Recently made purchases Interests
  • Location Status of an Account or Customer

Benefits Of Targeted Email Marketing

Targeted email can help you do things that ordinary email blasts just can’t since it differs so significantly from basic email marketing. Let’s quickly review some major advantages:

  • Improves opens and CTR: This is especially true for emails sent based on user attributes or behavior.
  • Reduces unsubscribes: People aren’t inundated with emails that aren’t relevant to them, and the total number of emails sent to each person can decrease.
  • Revenue is increased: Since offers are more closely related to the particular user’s interests and behavior when using targeted email.
  • Increase customer value: Beyond making immediate purchases to the correct audience, delivering customized emails can raise a customer’s lifetime value (LTV).
  • Reduces churn: You can get in touch with users before they fully abandon your app, make a purchase, or read an article if you discover that they haven’t signed in for a while.

How To Gather Relevant Information For Segmentation

You need to gather the information that will enable you to segment your audience for targeted email marketing.

We advise you to read this guide on consumer filters, which goes into these ideas in more detail and also contains a list of the top customer filters by different types of businesses. If you want a more in-depth look at audience analytics, customer filters, and the distinction between behavior triggers and attributes then adopt these practices.

Combine Your Email, CRM, And Web Analytics Applications

The most crucial step is deciding how you will get data on behavior. You could nevertheless provide them the option to interact with your customer support representative for lesser cost items for which you don’t have an inside sales staff.

Make Use Of Purposeful Triggers And Qualities

The most important thing you can do after selecting an analytics and automation platform is to focus on the triggers and attributes that are important to your company (or set up a custom integration between your behavior data and your email tool).

Methods For Focusing On Website Visitors, Leads, And Customers

Let’s be sincere. The term “targeted email marketing” is fairly all-encompassing. You can target someone on your email list in a variety of ways, including based on their past purchases, website reading habits, and email click-throughs.