How To Create A Video Marketing Strategy

video marketing strategies

Now that we’ve agreed on the importance of video marketing strategies for businesses, let’s see what happens when developing a video strategy.

  • Competitive Analysis

To develop a solid B2B video marketing strategy – one that helps your brand stand out – you must first analyze how they market their products and, more importantly, how they implement video to do so. 

The questions below should be considered:

  1. What types of videos do they make? What do they use them for? To improve conversions, educate prospects, explain what they do, or build brand awareness?
  2. What media channels do they promote it on?
  3. Are they focusing on a social video content marketing strategy or are they also using traditional media?
  4. What topics do they cover?
  5. How deep is the content? What tone do they use in their digital video marketing content?
  6. Is the audience engaging with their videos?
  7. How many parts do they grow per week, month or year?

Analyze the information they reveal and how you can use that information to improve or modify your own video strategy.

  • Define The Goals Of Your Video Marketing Strategy

The first step to creating a video marketing strategy is to define your goals – in this case, what you want to achieve with your video. In a perfect marketing world, you would want to create as many videos as you want to achieve all of these goals, but we know that’s not always possible. So you’ll need to decide which is most important to help your business grow and prioritize that. 

  • Types Of Video Marketing Strategies

There are many types of video marketing strategies you can implement. However, depending on your goals, some will be a better fit than others. That said, let’s look at some of the most popular and useful video advertising strategies available to you, along with important information to understand how to make video marketing work for your business!

  • Focus On The Channel

As you may already know, before making a purchase, people go through a three-step process that many refer to as the “buyer’s journey”.

  • Awareness stage

Start when a potential buyer realizes that he or she is facing a specific problem. They started doing educational research to identify the problem.

  • Review stage

Start when the buyer identifies the problem and starts looking for a solution. At this point, they delve deeper to understand which approach or method is best or most practical to meet their needs.

  • Decision stage

Start when they have narrowed down the options to a shortlist and need to choose a solution or commit to a purchase decision. As a marketer, your job is to send potential customers different messages about your product or business depending on what stage they are in the funnel.

With that in mind, you can use a channel-driven digital video marketing strategy to take potential customers further along their journey. Basically, you will develop certain sections for each stage to nurture leads and encourage them to take action, i.e. buy your product!

  • Pleasure Focuses On The Customer

You might think that the buyer’s journey ends when the customer decides to buy your product. Don’t get me wrong, it’s huge! But a customer’s first purchase — or so it should be — is just the beginning of your relationship.

There are many possibilities and you have to choose the one that best suits your brand. All in all, remember that the main joy is cultivating a relationship with your customers. Establish a level of trust that goes beyond a one-time purchase.

  • Centralized Social Media

As you begin creating a video marketing strategy, you should definitely consider producing social media content to promote your products and engage your audience on the platforms they use.

Let’s say you sell hair dryers, and your potential customers’ favorite platforms are YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. Your social video marketing strategy might focus on creating a short Instagram tutorial that teaches people how to style their hair with the product; a testimonial with a happy customer raving about it on YouTube, and scheduling a Facebook Live video with a professional stylist to share best practices.

  • Dedicated To The Trust Of Customers

At some point, the prospect is almost ready to close the sale. They have gathered all the information they need and are trying to decide between you and a few other options.

This is an important step in any sales funnel as you need to provide the right information to encourage them to choose you over your competition.

So the best types of videos at this stage tend to be the ones that help build a deeper connection with your potential customers. Videos are designed to build consumer trust and convince potential buyers that your solution is what they’re looking for.

  • Focus On Instructions

Simply put, video tutorials are designed to illustrate a process, share knowledge, explain a concept, or show how to perform a particular task. You may have seen hundreds of them on social media or Youtube!

  • Concentrated Education

Whether it’s learning how to bake or Insights into complex software, more and more people are relying on different types of educational videos to learn new things online.

You can take advantage of this growing demand and focus on developing educational videos, meaning video content that guides your audience on specific issues or discusses topics they will be interested in.

  • Focused Explainer

Explainer videos are proving to be a great resource for this challenge, turning complex ideas into content that is simple to understand and easy to absorb. They combine storytelling with meaningful animation to portray the company’s message in a way that resonates with the pain points of the target audience.